Message SF2A No 92 - 21/10/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Resultats du sondage de la CJC concernant les post-doctorants 2. Appel a propositions "CFHT Wide-Field Infrared Surveys" 3. Conference "Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow", IAP - July 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Resultats du sondage de la CJC concernant les post-doctorants ------------------------------------------------------------------------ La Commission Jeunes Chercheurs de l'Observatoire de Paris (CJC) a lance en fevrier 2002 une large enquete aupres des post-doctorants et anciens, en collaboration avec l'Ecole Doctorale d'Astronomie & d'Astrophysique d'Ile de France et la Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A). Les resultats de cette enquete et son analyse sont desormais en ligne sur le site de la CJC: --> La CJC remercie tous ceux et celles qui ont repondu au sondage. Elle remercie Pierre Lena ainsi que les doctorants et post-doctorants qui ont aide a elaborer les questions. Elle vous invite enfin a diffuser le plus largement possible les resultats de ce sondage autour de vous. Merci ! La Commission Jeunes Chercheurs de l'Observatoire de Paris (CJC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Appel a proposition "CFHT Wide-Field Infrared Surveys" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jean-Luc Beuzit ( CFHT Wide-Field Infrared Surveys: A call for ideas The CFHT is developing a wide field near infrared camera, WIRCAM, in collaboration with institutes in the three communities as well as in Korea and Taiwan. The instrument will be sensitive between 0.8 and 2.5 microns, and provide a total field-of-view of 20 x 20 arcminutes with an image scale of 0.3"/pixel. z, J, H, K filters will be available, as well as a limited selection of narrow-band filters: --> Following upon its highly successful CFH12K and soon to be commissioned MegaPrime optical cameras, WIRCAM will give CFHT continuous wide-field imaging capabilities from below 4000 Angstrom to beyond 2.5 microns. Both MegaPrime and WIRCAM are tip-tilt corrected, and will provide excellent image quality. The scientific impact of WIRCAM will range from the nearest and faintest objects in the solar neighbourhood to the most distant quasars at z = 7. In the MegaPrime era Canada and France have decided to join most of their dark and grey telescope time for a large and challenging project, the CFHT Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). Detailed information on this survey can be found on the CFHT web site at: --> The CFHT SAC is currently considering whether a similarly ambitious project should use WIRCAM for a significant amount of the CFHT bright time, starting by mid-2004. The SAC therefore invites brief proposals of ideas for wide field infrared surveys with WIRCAM from all CFH communities and the collaborative institutes (the Korea Astronomical Observatory in Korea and the CosPA institutes in Taiwan). These may be from individuals or groups. Responders should submit to the CFHT director (, by November 7 2002, a description in up to 2 pages of the survey idea and its database requirements. These ideas will be reviewed by the WIRCAM Steering Group. This Steering Group was appointed by CFHT, with advice from SAC, to supervise the development of the camera and prepare a WIRCAM survey. It will then propose strategies for a core suite of survey programs, taking into account survey programs planned or under way at CFHT and elsewhere (UKIDSS and others). The discussions will also consider observing date windows, and the optimum way to complete programs over 5 years or less. As CFHT and SAC may decide to modify the membership of the WIRCAM Steering Group to include other people motivated in participating to the survey definition and realization, please indicate in your response to the call for idea whether you are willing to/interested in serving on the WIRCAM Steering group. The WIRCAM Steering Group, R. Abraham, J.-L. Beuzit, J. Bouvier, M. Y. Chun, T. Davidge, T. Forveille, J.-F. Le Borgne, E. Martin, H. Yee ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Conference "Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow", IAP - July 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caroline Terquem ( First announcement: EXTRASOLAR PLANETS: TODAY AND TOMORROW 30 June-4 July 2003, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France The XIXth IAP international astrophysical colloquium will be held on 30 June-4 July 2003, at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France. The conference is on Extrasolar Planets. Major topics are: - Detections of extrasolar planets: methods, results and programs - Extrasolar planets images and spectroscopy - Planetary systems properties - Atmospheres and exospheres of extrasolar planets - Extrasolar comets - Planetary systems evolution - Protoplanetary and planetary disks: structure, properties and evolution - Planetary formation - Interaction between disks and planets - Dynamics of multiple planetary systems Anyone interesting in participating is encouraged to pre-register at the conference web site: --> Specific enquiries about the conference can be made to *Scientific Organising Committee: S. Balbus (USA), P.-O. Lagage (France), A.-M. Lagrange (France), A. Leger (France), G. Marcy (USA), M. Mayor (Switzerland), J. Papaloizou (UK), P. Sackett (Australia), D. Sasselov (USA), W. Ward (USA), G. Wetherill (USA). *Local Scientific Organising Committee: Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Alain Lecavelier des Etangs, Caroline Terquem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulletin de cotisation SF2A 2002 : Archive des messages : SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A Visitez l'excellent site web de la SF2A: ! Les dernieres informations, les derniers sujets brulants, toutes les informations concernant la SF2A, les meilleurs liens sur la toile, un seul et unique site: . A vos bookmarks ! Pour toutes informations complementaires, comme pour faire passer vos messages, envoyez un mail a Didier Barret ( Les messages doivent me parvenir imperativement sous forme de texte ASCII simple (les accents et caracteres speciaux doivent etre supprimes). MERCI! SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A----SF2A