



Matera, Italy

June 17 – 21, 2002




Sponsored by:


I.A.G. - Section IV

(International Association of Geodesy)


(Italian Space Agency)




Organizing Committee:


Fernando Sansò

Giuseppe Bianco

Vincenza Luceri

Elena Raguzzoni







Dear friends and colleagues,


this letter is to confirm that the V Hotine-Marussi Symposium will be held in Matera, from June 17 to 21, 2002.

Please note: we had to shift the Symposium one week later and all the people that replied to the first announcement have agreed. So the new dates are from June 17 through 21, 2002.


Time is approaching that we come to fix the program of our Symposium.

Just to give you a flavour of it, let me list a number of tentative titles of the invited papers (they might change!):


  1. The analysis of geodetic data: methods and numerics.


  1. The theory of geodetic reference systems.


  1. Deterministic and stochastic field theory in geodesy and sister sciences.


  1. Inverse problems in geodesy and geodynamics.




We will have regular reviewed proceedings by the Springer IAG Symposia series; we are fixing a maximum number of 8 pages (Journal of Geodesy style) for all the papers; each presentation (all oral) will last 20 minutes but for invited papers that will be allowed 30 minutes for presentation and 12 pages for publication.

As for the program, let me remind you that you can touch any subject you like in geodesy (and surroundings), on condition that you look at it from the methodological point of view.


Papers on presentations of open problems are welcome, and accepted, if they get a positive review, for publication.


We require an extended abstract (maximum 2 pages, MS Word, Postcript or PDF file) of each presentation, to be sent by e-mail to Cinzia Luceri and Elena Raguzzoni (see addresses below) by May 24. They will be photocopied and distributed to the participants in Matera. People who already sent their abstracts are kindly requested to send them again in extended version.


The final version of the paper, which might incorporate discussion items, is due to Elena Raguzzoni (by mail or e-mail) by September 15, 2002.

They will then be sent out for the reviewing process.

Springer instructions for authors and a sample of paper can be found on our web page.


Warning: The proceedings will be distributed only to participants paying for the registration fee.



We remind you in the following some practical information.


We have arranged with a local travel agency, the Lionetti Incoming Srl, a bus transfer service from Bari Palese Airport to downtown Matera, on Sunday 16, and back on Friday 21 and Saturday 22.

Please send the travel agency (the address can be found on the Symposium web page) your exact arrival and departure time: according to that, they will arrange 2 runs on Sunday 16 in the time band when they can pick-up the greatest number of participants, and the same will be done for the return: we foresee 1 run on Friday afternoon and another one on Saturday morning.

The scheduled runs will be communicated with the third announcement.

This pick-up service will be paid by the Organization. Otherwise, if you are not able to meet the scheduled service, you can arrange your personal pick-up with the travel agency; the rate is 77,50 euros round trip (Bari-Matera-Bari) per car: this means that if you are alone you will pay the full rate, if you can share the car with someone else (max 4 persons) you can reduce the cost up to about 20 euros.


There is also a quite inconvenient public transportation service (by train or bus): please visit our web page for timetables and route.


A bus-shuttle will provide connection between downtown Matera and the Center for Space Geodesy of the Italian Space Agency (Symposium site), as well as transportation for the touristic events.


Through the same travel agency, you can reserve your hotel rooms.

We remember you that a sightseeing tour and a social dinner will be organized on Wednesday afternoon and evening.

In the morning there will be the meeting of IAG Special Commission 1.


We will provide coffee-breaks and lunches at the Symposium site; they are included in the registration fee.


The registration fee is fixed to USD 150 (or euros 174) for students (up to the Ph.D. level) and USD 250 (or euros 289) for the others, including the proceedings.

The fee has to be paid in advance by May 10 and this can be done by bank transfer or credit card through the travel agency.


In case you did not registered yet, please do it by May 10, by using the attached registration form.


A third circular letter will follow with the last useful information, and a provisory program. More details and updating on all the above items are available on our web page on www.iges.polimi.it.

(This web page has been remade, with more information, so please visit it!)


Looking forward to welcoming you in Matera, I send you my best regards.




Fernando Sansò



Milan, April 4, 2002





Prof. Fernando SANSO’

DIIAR – Sezione Rilevamento

Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32

I-20133 Milano (Italy)

phone: +39-02-2399.6504-.7518


fax: +39-02-2399.6530

e-mail: fsanso@geo.polimi.it


Dr. Giuseppe BIANCO

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo"

C.da Terlecchia

I-75100 Matera (Italy)

Phone: +39-0835-377209

fax: +39-0835-339005

e-mail: giuseppe.bianco@asi.it



DIIAR – Sezione Rilevamento

Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32

I-20133 Milano (Italy)

phone: +39-02-2399.6506


fax: +39-02-2399.6530

e-mail: elena@geo.polimi.it


Dr. Vincenza LUCERI

Telespazio S.p.A.

Centro di Geodesia Spaziale "G. Colombo"

C.da Terlecchia

I-75100 Matera (Italy)

Phone: +39-0835-377231

fax: +39-0835-334951

e-mail: cinzia.luceri@asi.it














Matera, Italy

June 17 – 21, 2002








First name:


Last name:














I will be accompanied by (please specify number of person(s), if any):


I intend to present a paper (please specify yes/no):


If yes, please give a provisory title of the paper:


Co-author (if any):











To be sent back to: Elena Raguzzoni

DIIAR – Sezione Rilevamento

Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32

I-20133 Milano (Italy)

fax number: +39-02-2399.6530

e-mail address: elena@geo.polimi.it