Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 08:45:44 -0700
From: Joann C Joselyn 

The IUGG Electronic Journal
Special Issue
Volume 5 No. 1a  (January 11, 2005)

Addition information on the IUGG Response to the December 26, 2004,
Indian Ocean Tsunami Disasters

Since the time of the last E-Journal special issue (Volume 4 Number 12a 
(December 27, 2004), the IUGG Union Commission on Geophysical Risk and 
Sustainability (GeoRisk), in cooperation with the IAPSO/IASPEI/IAVCEI 
Tsunami Commission, has written a statement including a list of 
recommendations for further analysis.  The Statement (both short and 
full versions) has been placed on the web-page of the GeoRisk Commission .

Subsequently, the IUGG Bureau adopted a Resolution based on this 
document.  It has been sent to the UN Inter-Agency Secretariat of the 
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) that is hosting the 
World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe Japan from 18-22 January. 
  Tom Beer, IUGG Vice President and Past Chair of the GeoRisk Commission 
will attend the Conference.  The text of the Resolution is given below.

The regular 1 January 2005 issue of the IUGG E-Journal named a web site 
containing information about the physical events underlying the disaster 
assembled by Dr. V.K. Gusiakov: 
  Another web site including wave animations and propagation times 
modeled by K. Satake can be found at .  We understand 
that various of the IUGG Associations and their components are working 
on appropriate aspects of this problem in order that the risks can be 
understood and policies established that will mitigate the consequences 
of these natural geophysical events.

Adopted by the IUGG Bureau 10 January 2005

Whereas, A magnitude 9 great earthquake that occurred on 26 December 
2004 off the west coast of northern Sumatra, South Asia, triggered 
tsunamis that inundated the coastal zones around the Indian Ocean 
resulting in tragic and historic loss of life and property;

The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

Recognizing, That tsunami warning systems in the Pacific Ocean have 
proved to be effective over several decades; and

Noting, That existing technology such as Synthetic Aperture Radar 
Interferometry (InSAR) observations for topography, real-time monitoring 
of marine activity, satellite observations from space, and natural 
hazard prediction models (e.g., tsunami propagation models) could 
prevent loss of life if predictions were timely and warnings were 
heeded; and
2.  That the economic impact of natural disasters exceeds the cost of 
mitigation; and
3.  That in the aftermath of a natural disaster, existing technology 
could provide rescue agencies and civil defense managers immediate 
quantitative estimates of the extent and severity of the disaster; and
4.  That the reduction of predictive uncertainty is the most important 
scientific agenda in natural hazards reduction;

Recommends, That systems and procedures be prescribed for early warning, 
public awareness, regional evacuation routes and shelters based on 
charts of natural hazards, vulnerability, and risk assessments; and
2.  That regional disaster management centers be established where they 
do not now exist to catalog information on the population and 
infrastructure at risk, and to monitor land, ocean and atmosphere in 
relation to all kinds of natural hazards; and
3.  That regional tsunami warning systems be set up in order to generate 
and disseminate timely and accurate information needed by decision 
makers and the public; and
4.  That multidisciplinary and multinational research programs and 
research networks on geophysical hazards and risks be developed to 
integrate diverse data streams, to improve understanding of the natural 
phenomena associated with the disasters, and to develop predictive 
modeling capability; and

Resolves, To promote the development and application of scientific 
expertise and experience in modeling and visualization of physical, 
technological, biological and social processes and their implications to 
the mitigation of natural disasters; and
2.  To share this critical information to the greatest extent possible 
with government officials, emergency planners, the insurance industry, 
policy makers, and the public.

This short, informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National 
Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and 
actions of the IUGG Secretariat.  Past issues are posted on the IUGG Web 
site.  Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the 
information. Your comments are welcome.

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 5 Number 1a (January 11, 2005)
J. A. Joselyn, Secretary General  []        fax:  1 303 497 3645