Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 15:39:36 +0100

Message SF2A No 181 -  02/11/04 (extraits)

1. Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise 2005 - Strasbourg, 27/06-01/07/05
3. Ecole "Relativistic Coordinates, Reference ..." - Salamanque, 21-25/01/05
5. Postdocs pour le Reseau Europeen "MAGPOP" - DL: 30 decembre 2004

1. Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise 2005 - Strasbourg, 27/06-01/07/05

La Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise en 2005 aura lieu 

   du 27 juin au 1er juillet 2005 a Strasbourg.

Reservez des a present cette semaine dans vos agendas!

Des informations complementaires (programme, inscription, etc) seront 
prochainement disponibles sur le site web de la SF2A:


A titre experimental pour deux ans, nous avons decide que les 
etudiant(e)s en these seront exoneres des frais d'inscription 
a la condition qu'il (elle) presente son travail sous forme 
de poster ou oralement.

Le Conseil de la SF2A

3. Ecole "Relativistic Coordinates, Reference ..." - Salamanque, 21-25/01/05

Bartolome Coll (

J'ai le plaisir de vous informer que la Societe Espagnole de Gravitation et 
elativite (SEGRE) organise, du 21 au 25 janvier 2005, une Ecole sur le theme

   "Relativistic Coordinates, Reference and Positioning systems"

a l'Universite de Salamanque, Salamanque, Espagne.

Vous pouvez trouver des informations complementaires sur le site:


Je vous remercie de bien vouloir informer ceux de vos collegues qui, 
a votre avis, pourraient etre interesses.

5. Postdocs pour le Reseau Europeen "MAGPOP" - DL: 30 decembre 2004

Laurence Tresse (

As part of its current Research Training Network (RTN) programme, the 
European Commission has provided four year funding for a new Research 
Network whose main objective is to use a wide range of of multi-wavelength 
survey data to quantify empirically how the stars in galaxies were formed, 
how the heavy elements in galaxies were produced and how black holes were 
assembled over the history of the Universe. The network links the following 
eight astronomical institutions with expertise in the construction and 
analysis of galaxy surveys at different wavelengths, in stellar population 
synthesis and modelling of galactic SEDs, and in the modelling of galaxy 
formation in its full cosmological context.

   --Max-Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik, Garching, Germany
   --Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France.
   --Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France
   --University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
   --Universidad Complutense de Madrid,  Spain
   --Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy
   --Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest, Hungary
   --Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

As part of this programme, four postdoctoral positions will be available 
from Summer 2005. These positions will be based at Garching, Nottingham, 
Madrid and Marseille and will be offered for a minumum of two and a maximum 
of three years. According to the rules of the programme, these posts are open
only to nationals of countries other than in which the post is held.
Applicants should not have had more than 10 years research
experience from the commencement of their PhD and they should not
have been resident in the country where they propose to work for
more than 12 months in the three years before the start of the post.
Salary at each institution will be paid in accordance with the local
EC regulations for postdoctoral positions. 

Applications should be sent to the address below 

by December 30 2004, 

and should include a full curriculum vitae, a publication list, a summary 
of current research interests, and a list of the institutes at which the 
applicant would prefer/would be willing to work. Three letters of reference 
are required by this same date. Applications from women and minorities
are particularly welcome.

Related URL: 



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Pour toutes informations complementaires, comme pour faire passer vos
messages, envoyez un mail a Thierry Contini ( Les messages
doivent me parvenir imperativement sous forme de texte ASCII simple
(les accents et caracteres speciaux doivent etre supprimes). MERCI!
