The 92th "Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique" (JLG) will
take place on November 8-9-10, 2004 at the Hotel Parc Belle-Vue,
downtown Luxembourg city. Please note the
change of the location!!!!!!
Here is the list of Confirmed Participants and the title of
their talk:
David Lavallee: Observing surface mass loading with the Global
Positioning System; Geocenter motions and surface deformation
Richard Gross and Ben Chao : Seismic Excitation of Earth Rotation
and Gravitational Field Changes
Giancarlo D’Agostino: A new method to estimate the time-position
coordinates of a free falling test-mass in absolute gravimetry
Joelle Nicolas: Contribution from laser, GPS, and absolute
gravimetry to the study of seasonal effects on vertical positioning
Daniel Gambis: Earth Orientation monitoring, state of the art and
Mendes Cerveira: GPS and VLBI results for geodynamic studies
Stéphane Durand: Analysis of the GPS time series from the 2004
Ocean Loading Campaign in Brittany
If you wish to participate and /or present a paper, please send an e-mail
to Tonie van Dam ( or Olivier Francis
The program will be regularly updated on our web page :
We hope to see you
with our best regards,
Tonie van Dam and Olivier Francis
Patricia Codran
European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology
19 rue Josy Welter
L-7256 Walferdange
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Phone: +352 33 14 87 1
Fax: +352 33 14 87 88