Web-services sorted by research groups
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, "Géosciences Azur - Terre Océans Espace" Department
The OCA geodesy team provides:
Paris observatory, "SYstèmes de Référence Terre et Espace" Department
- IERS EOP time series
- WEB-service including two executable files (Linux/DOS):
1) download of EOP C04 at any time
2) computation of the matrix between IRCF and ITRF at any time with a precision of 50 mas today.
These two executable files could be called from any procedure Fortran /C-C++/ php / Perl /.
- ICRF and extragalactic radio-sources
- French centre of IVS analysis, with :
French National Geographic Institute (IGN), geodetic research laboratory (LAREG)
The IRTF website benefits from a cartography host which enables to visualize the different
ITRF networks, spot networks from each technique, the velocity fields ITRF since ITRF94 and also the border
of plate tectonics according to two patterns. It enables too a point selection in view of accessing to
the ITRF coordinates of under-network at the chosen period.
See: http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr